Our mission is to promote healthy living and prevention strategies for complex illnesses and rare diseases. The Gibbs Family Foundation provides funding opportunities to organizations committed to promoting health awareness, lifestyle modifications, and prevention programs to improve health.
NP At-large Board Member
Below are a list of recent Gibbs Family Foundation Grant recipients. Thanks for all of your hard work!
$15,000 for their Lifeline program which is an enhanced HIV counseling program with testing and referral services. The program will target 200 at risk individuals and will refer patients to various programs including: Hepatitis C testing, PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis medication), and couples counseling.
$5,000 grant for their unique Hepatitis C prevention program aimed at high risk populations in the undeserved community.
Do you have an questions or comment for The Gibbs Family Foundation?
Address: 1446 W. Thome Ave., Chicago, IL 60660
Phone: (773) 332-0323
Email: info@thegibbsfamilyfoundation.org