Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria

  • Grants are only awarded to 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
  • Serve a public purpose
  • Demonstrate ability to carry out the program
  • Demonstrate potential impact on the community
  • Demonstrate community support
  • Show evidence of need
  • Geographical areas of focus: United States of America
  • Area of focus will target individuals at risk of contracting or developing rare diseases or conditions
  • Ability to realize its mission by demonstrating viability and long-term stability (i.e., broad based funding and ability to leverage other sources of revenue)
  • A program that is funded must begin its operation within one year from the date of the award
  • Applicants must complete in full all forms in the application packet and required documentation
  • The TGFF may request that an applicant provide additional supporting material or conduct a presentation to assist the review committee in making a decision
  • All grantees shall submit an evaluation regarding the success of the efforts funded by TGFF
  • All programs funded through this program must include the following credit line in all marketing materials: “This program is funded (or funded in part) by the The Gibbs Family Foundation.” The logo of TGFF will be provided to the organization for this purpose.
  • Funding will not be considered for individuals and/or families. Additionally, tickets, advertising or sponsorship for fundraising events are not eligible to receive funds. Research grants, conferences, travel, videos, and capital acquisitions are also excluded.
  • If any terms of this process are not met, for any reason, the applicant will be in breach of this agreement and will be responsible for returning any grant money given. (i.e., program is not completed as stated in application).
  • The grants range from $5,000 – $10,000. Grant awards are not always made for the full amount requested.
  • Programs not funded could include, but are not limited to:
    • Money for prizes, awards or individuals.
    • Membership and ticket selling campaigns.
    • Travel expenses.
    • Deficit reduction.
    • Expenses incurred prior to the grant agreement starting date.
    • Multi-year programs, unless given prior special consideration.
    • Research directed primarily to academic purposes.
    • Receptions, socials or parties.
    • Money for the sole purpose of buying publicity. (The purchase of publicity as a minor expense within a larger eligible program is permitted.)
    • Capital improvements, construction, renovation, structural maintenance of facilities.
    • Administrative personnel (including clerical staff, producers, management, and grant writers.)
    • Overhead or administrative costs.
    • Loans, fines, penalties, costs of litigation or associated interest payments.
    • Programs that do not support the goals or mission of TGFF.

Priority consideration will be given to programs that demonstrate financial stability, innovative approach to the problem, and further the mission of TGFF.